This is pretty good. however I think it would have added dimention if you flipped back pages like the anchor and the floatation device rather than pushing forward all the time.
This is pretty good. however I think it would have added dimention if you flipped back pages like the anchor and the floatation device rather than pushing forward all the time.
Yes, that is a cool idea. I hadn't thought of that but will try in an upcoming episode!
I am still beside myself because of his death. But I think this is a good way to honor his memory and was nicely done. I can't wait for the next one.
Come to think about it a little more, Edd had a random factor that he used as jokes. you did one with Tom and the stun lazer, but it seemed that it lacked that randomness facter. I don't know exactly how to explain it... It's like a moment of aboslute idiocy that makes it funny like a wave on the horizon. Everything seemed to tie in like a straight line.
This is pretty good. Especially since I watched from the begining. I must give you koodos on your acheivement here as I haven't seen someone devellope a storyline of 9 movies out of an already existant game. Koodos.
Don't diss your backgrounds, they fit in nicely with your artwork.
Message: I agree with the spork speach... I can't drink soup, or sloppy joe with it nore can I poke meat with it. It's totally useless.
For the main ending speach, I agree with most of it. I think fear also plays in a part of our society (being affraid of being let down or put down) but mainly it's something to think about...
Twitter: I totally agree. THANK YOU!!!!
Animation: It's nice and smooth and I like that. I enjoyed that it wasn't over the top where it's annoying, you kept consistancy with your characters and they interacted well with eachother, showing great tallent.
Sound: I put this in to talk about the volume of sound and such, rather than what you said: The sound was nice. It didn't alter or fade, I could tell when the mime talked with a megaphone, nowever not in such a strong way that you are asking yourself "What did he say?" Your voice was nice and clear, negating the need of subtitles. Congratulations!
Storywise: Althought I don't know if you actually intended this, I noticed that there is a big message in here "Although the wold says that you should be this way, there is no way that you can stop being who you were truely ment to be" wich could be summed up into "Follow your dreams"
Animationwise: This is a great animation. I am really glad to seesuch smooth and simple work, rather than overwhelming us with motion. And the colour was a good choice, as the business blue wasn't so cold to give a depressive state, but did contrace the orange really nicely. The choice of orange was really nice as it didn't look like "people of the orange crop" but rather a warmer type of person.
Musicwise: The song was nice. It nicely came together.
I always sort of leave the story open-ended for this type of movie, so even if I didn't intent a certain interpretation, it doesn't mean it's wrong. I've counted a few different ones from the reviews that I hadn't quite pictured initially :)
don't remember the pee or poo feature to this game, but I do remember this game.... I think someone made a flash version on here... or something like that.....
I'd love to see those two face off against Packman and his ghosts.
animation wize, I don't recall anyone blinking their eyes, however you had pauses that one or two people could have blink their eyes durring.
Other than that, this is a great movie in terms of voice sync, smoothness, art and storybord. The Maury joke was a nice touch too.
What? there was a Kid Iccarus before this new one? wow....
Anyways, as for your animation, this was awesome. As well, your text was relatable. As I didn't play Kid Iccaurs before, It's important for me to still be able to relate to the movie. I love the burning effect on the wings giving almost historical accuracy (melting would have more been the way they were distroyed giving the ammount of wax.) But all in all you have a lot of aspects to make this an awesome video. Koodos!
I got to admit. Unlike what society seems to be turning into, I am not that into sex. It's not a major factor in my life or my thoughts, so given the sexual push this video constantly gave, I wanted to quit it a few times. However I haven't and I am happy that I didn't. There are a bunch of lessons to take from this and I hope you do more of these in the future.
DFM is a new company (Victor B's art profile) that features work from their staff. (Victor B)
Age 36, Male
The other guy
Hard Knocks school of Subc.
Joined on 1/14/12